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Raised Garden Beds

$425 – Standard Garden Bed (4’w x 8’l x 2’h)

$325 – Short Garden Bed (4’w x 8’l x 1.5’h)

$300 – Garden Bench             

$350 – Tiered Garden Potting Table

$75 – Herb Garden Planter

$75 – Delivery & Installation Fee (*Minimum)

Place your order now!


Buy Garden Products!

When you purchase an item from Blueprint 502, you not only support the ongoing work of our organization, you make an economic impact in your community! Studies show that dollars spent at community-based merchants create a multiplier in the local economy, meaning that from each dollar spent at a local independent merchant, up to 3.5 times as much wealth is generated in the local economy compared to a dollar spent at chain-owned businesses. This “local multiplier effect” means shifting more local purchasing to independent businesses is a key tool for creating more local jobs.

Our Product Line:

Our eastern red cedar lumber is locally sourced and handcrafted here on Blueprint 502’s Green Campus in Smoketown. Participants craft these garden beds as part of their product line, furthering their training and honing their skills.  Your purchase supports their learning!  The corners of each bed are carefully cut and fitted in a tongue and groove locking system. The surfaces and edges are all routered and finished with smooth and rounded edges. To inquire about our line of custom-made cedar garden products, contact us today!

Download our product brochure!